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Download Dumbbell Workout Program

Download Dumbbell Workout Program 4,3/5 9609 votes

Why it works Dumbbells allow you to train one side of your body at a time, which is great for curing any strength imbalances you've developed. And because each limb moves independently, your core has to brace harder to prevent you from tipping to one side. Hello, six-pack. Directions Frequency: Do this workout three times per week, in the following sequence, resting at least a day between each session.

Workout Routine - Dumbbells - Full Body Printed on Apr 28 2011 Workout Routine Snapshot 2 Workout Days 0 Cardio Exercises. Dumbbell Press 3 10 Back Shrug. Total-body workouts The 30-minute dumbbell workout program to build muscle You don't need fancy equipment to build muscle strength—sculpt a better body right now.

Complete Dumbbell Workout Program

How to do it: Perform as straight sets, completing all the prescribed sets for one exercise before moving on to the next. On all one-handed (or one-legged) moves, repeat with opposite limb. That's one set.