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Program To Evaluate Postfix Expression

Program To Evaluate Postfix Expression 4,5/5 5569 votes

Of the top of my head, your code is lacking in several departments: As @ChristianAichinger already pointed out, its formatting is horrible. This is a defect, since neither you nor anyone else will be able to read it. Your else if does not open a block and therefore only operates on the next statement, which is; and not the whole part that follows it. This would have been more obvious with proper formatting. There is no part in your code that parses integers. Therefore, your code is missing a major part of its functionality. More errors may exist, but analysis is fairly hard as long the code is in such a state.

Program To Evaluate Postfix Expression

C++ Evaluate

Program to evaluate postfix expression java

This C++ program, using a stack data strucure, computes value of postfix expression which pushes operands and pops these values on encountering an operator.

I am still new and not too quick on picking up coding with C. For an assignment I have to evaluate a Postfix expression from an array using a stack. While I am sure I. C Program for Evaluation of Postfix ExpressionIn this program we evaluate the Postfix Expression, using the stack. For example, 456*+7- is the postfix expression, from left one by one it is inserted into the stack, and after evaluation the answer is 27. Read more about C Programming Language.