Update Blob Field In Db2 Sql
Bellenp@schneider.com 19-Mar-07 11:25 19-Mar-07 11:25 Greetings everybody, I have a nice challenge: I have a gridview and an objectdatasource on a webpage and I made this gridview invisible. I need to use this gridview multiple times on one webpage with the same objectdatasource but the values of the parameters of the stored procedure differs from case to case. I want to use a clone technique or something else to accomplsh this. I need to use c# code. Does somebody have a clue how I can accomplish this? Thanks for every clue.
Greetings Peter Bellen bellenp@schneider.com. I sort of got it to display how I want it to but it's pretty rigged and still not 100% right. This is what I used: webBrowser.Document.GetElementById('Submit').ScrollIntoView(false); This auto-scrolls it so I'm right by the submit button. There is a minor problem though.
Stats BLOB Now, the SQL. Update blobtab set stats= where stats. $ db2 'update blobtab set stats= blob. You cannot specify blob field in predicate.
Due to the way the page is displayed it's quite a bit off center horizontally so I'd like to fine tune the X axis. The 'ScrollLeft' and 'ScrollTop' properties don't seem to do anything at all.
MSDN says it does exactly what I want to do. The distance, in pixels, between the top edge of the element and the top edge of its content. Yet, modifying those values does absolutely nothing.
Also it's kind of rigged because I depend on a form field to get the basic view point. Is there any other way? Jjansen 5-Mar-07 1:26 5-Mar-07 1:26 Using the Screen class I can retrieve the DeviceName of my second monitor, which I can feed into CreateDC to get a device context (DC) of that particular monitor. With it I am able to use all kinds of GDI drawing functions, which do show on my second monitor. Although that works, I would rather draw with a C# Graphics object. The problem is that when I make a Graphics object (with Graphics.FromHdc), I get one with the property VisibleClipBounds set to the bounds of the PRIMARY monitor, and this property is read-only!
Does anyone know how I could get the VisibleClipBounds to correspond to the bounds of the right monitor (or all monitors)? Christian Graus wrote:I'm not sure how you'd go about getting the DC to draw directing to the desktop, however, am I right in thinking that's what you want? Actually, I don't want to draw on the desktop but on top of my own application across several separate controls, basically to display a box around an area to draw attention to it. I tried walking through the nested controls on my form, but you can only draw in their client areas, which in some cases doe not cover the entire control (e.g. Edit boxes and list boxes with borderstyle 'Fixed3D'). Hence I felt forced to revert to old GDI. RiaanBooyzen 5-Mar-07 0:07 5-Mar-07 0:07 Hey there.
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We are developing a system for contract management. Now, we generate a document with clauses selected by the user (for that document).
For each clause that we add to our document, the headers and footers of the richtextbox is put into place, thus eventially when we save the document, you can imagine the complications. Is there a way to filter and delete the headers and footers of the clauses when we load them into the document textbox? Or is the only solution to allow formatting only in the document and not on clause creation level. Thanks, help is greatly appreciated. Joputaidilico 5-Mar-07 0:06 5-Mar-07 0:06 Hi, as all we know there are at least 4 different versions of.NET framework. Is there any internal IDE constant, that defines wich version of the framework is expected the IDE to build for?
Motivation: It's very common having various versions of the framework living in the same machine. The IDE seems to build compatible binaries with the newest framework installed on system, thus coppying the sources on another machine, makes impossible to compile the code, without, changing lots of lines of code. COMMON valid compatible CODE #if NETFWVERSION11 1 valid code for 1.1 #else #if NETFWVERSION 20 valid code for 2.0 #endif COMMON valid compatible CODE - modified at 11:43 Monday 5th March, 2007 Last Visit: 31-Dec-99 19:00 Last Update: 15-Feb-18 17:29.
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