Vb Net Windows Media Player Current Position
Hi Saige, it worked perfectly.once. The when I closed the Window, I keep getting the following error: System.Runtime.InteropServ ices.COMEx ception was unhandled by user code ErrorCode=- HResult=- Message=The message filter indicated that the application is busy.
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System.Windows.Media MediaPlayer Class MediaPlayer Properties. Gets or sets the current position of the media. If the player has an associated Clock.
C# Windows Media Player
(Exception from HRESULT: 0x8001010A (RPCESERVERCALLRETRYLAT ER)) Source=Interop.WMPLib StackTrace: at WMPLib.IWMPControls.getcu rrentPosit ion at TestApplication.Form1.OnDo Work(Objec t sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) in myPC home documents visu al studio 2015 Projects TestApplicat ion Form1. Cs:line 70 at System.ComponentModel.Back groundWork er.OnDoWor k(DoWorkEv entArgs e) at System.ComponentModel.Back groundWork er.WorkerT hreadStart (Object argument) InnerException: NOTE: After I posted the question, I decided to try Visual Studio 2015 instead of Visual Studio 2010. Everything worked fine until I closed the application using the RED X in the top right hand corner.
Then I got an error and when I tired to run the application again, this error keeps popping up at the line below: if (axWMPInstructor.Ctlcontr ols.curren tPosition!= currentPosition).