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Include Flash File In Html

Include Flash File In Html 4,6/5 3907 votes

Do you want to insert your SWF file into your website? While Shockwave Flash has the option to publish in HTML format, all that gives you is a blank white webpage.

. The FLV file extension stands for 'Flash Video,' which is a file type by Adobe Systems Incorporated. Originally introduced as 'Shockwave Flash,' the FLV movies are viewable on major computer operating systems like Windows and Macintosh. As you create your own Flash files, consider publishing them on your Web page to enhance your content and provide a visual element for your visitors to enjoy. Using your computer's text editor application, enter the HyperText Markup Language (HTML) code that embeds the video file on your page. Step Place your FLV video file in your Web host account in the same directory that you keep your other HTML files in.

Inserting Flash File In Html

Access your 'Control Panel' area, click the 'PublicHTML' or 'PublicWWW' link and click the 'Browse' or 'Upload' button to select the file from your computer and add it to your host. Make a note of the video's URL location (for example, '). Step Start your text editor application and open an existing file or begin a new one.

What is flash fileFile

Step Place your cursor in the area where you want the Flash video to appear. Step Type in the ' ' tag element at the end. You also have the option to specify the dimensions of the video player by entering number values after the 'width=' and 'height=' descriptors. To illustrate: Step Enter the opening ' ' tag with the width and height descriptors before the embed code. Further, type a ' ' element that identifies your file as a movie and names the Web address where it is found. The object code ensures that the Internet Explorer browser renders your video correctly.

Your complete code now looks as follows: Step Save your document. Your FLV file is now embedded in your HTML page.