Lost Horizon Pc Game
. Summary: 1936: Soldiers of the Third Reich roam the world seeking occult weapons for their insane plans of conquest. When Fenton Paddock, a former British soldier and hapless smuggler, is asked to look for his friend Richard, who went missing in Tibet, he has no idea that this search will lead him 1936: Soldiers of the Third Reich roam the world seeking occult weapons for their insane plans of conquest. When Fenton Paddock, a former British soldier and hapless smuggler, is asked to look for his friend Richard, who went missing in Tibet, he has no idea that this search will lead him across three continents to a secret that could turn the whole world upside down. Enough mystery? Not in the mood for another crime story?
Lost Horizon is released on 2010 a point-and-click adventure game for PC. Published by Deep Silver and was developed by the Animation Arts. Lost Horizon is.
- 1-16 of 29 results for 'pc Lost Horizon' Lost Horizon 2 [Online. Treasure hunt to find your long-lost sibling and save the. PC Game Operating System.
- Metacritic Game Reviews, Lost Horizon for PC, 1936: Soldiers of the Third Reich roam the world seeking occult weapons for their insane plans of conquest.
'Lost Horizon' brings the classic adventure back to its roots: the 1930s, exotic settings all over the world, and the dangerous quest for one of the greatest secrets of mankind makes adventurers' hearts beat faster. The Makers of the award-winning Secret Files series invite you to experience a technically outstanding, carefully designed game featuring an absolutely thrilling story at the side of Kim and Fenton. I really enjoyed this game, great and fun to play, good characterisation, nice music, nice graphics, and the puzzles fit very well into the I really enjoyed this game, great and fun to play, good characterisation, nice music, nice graphics, and the puzzles fit very well into the game (as commented by another). It's a point-and-click game, so my score is balanced to that genre. The puzzles are quite easy though, hence the notch down, you will never ever get stuck - but on the plus side, this helped the game story whizz along nicely. This game shows where point-and-click games need to go, better graphics, better characterisation, and puzzles embedded in the game.
It's not there yet, but Lost Horizon for me is definitely one the the better games of its genre to be got. If you liked Broken Sword, Syberia or Secret Files, add this to your collection.
I have to agree with nomadsoul. This is a great adventure game with puzzles that fit together logically and give a feeling of accomplishment I have to agree with nomadsoul. This is a great adventure game with puzzles that fit together logically and give a feeling of accomplishment when solved. Best of all, the puzzle solving is completely relevant to the story and give a great level of immersion.
Well done deep silver. Look forward to some more of your titles. I would highly recommend this to any adventure gamer. Don't expect anything too deep, it's your classical adventure plot. Everything is there, from the hero to the Nazis to the mystical ancient Don't expect anything too deep, it's your classical adventure plot. Everything is there, from the hero to the Nazis to the mystical ancient artefact blablabla. But it works if you like that kind of story.
The riddles are okay, though personally, I would've preferred had they been a bit harder. Sometimes they felt a little constructed, for instance, when you need to melt some ice, you use a certain thing, but a few moments later, when you have to melt yet another piece of ice, you cannot use the same thing even though it's still available, but must find another way. There is some complexity, though, you will have to use items more than once, you can do things wrong and won't realize it immediately. (An item you used on something will have to be used with something else first, but the game won't tell you, so simple combining everything with everything won't always help you.) What I didn't like was how the hero always comments on and explains what you're doing as if you wouldn't know it yourself: Oh yes, now that this happened, I can do that, because - And so on. I could see the point if he would give hints about what to do next, but why give hints about the puzzle I just solved? Presentation is okay. The 2D backgrounds are very well painted with a lot of detail, but in contrast, the 3D characters lack detail and look much too cartoony overall.
The dialogue in addition to voice-overs is shown in subtitles with a little image of the speaking person, but those are paintings as well. Especially in the case of the main hero, this painting looks almost nothing like the 3D model. (And also is always wearing a hat - I cannot remember a single moment in the game when the 3D model was actually wearing one.) What else - well, the game is pretty long with a lot of riddles, so you get quite some content and the quality is good as well. The areas you visit are interesting and full with items and stuff to combine and so on, it's not like some of the more 'modern' adventure games where the inventory never has more than four items in it. Overall, fun game, good presentation, not too hard, so you won't get stuck, but not too simple either - good mix. As far as point n' click adventures go, Lost Horizon is totally standard fare, with easy puzzles, and passages where you'll have to try all As far as point n' click adventures go, Lost Horizon is totally standard fare, with easy puzzles, and passages where you'll have to try all combinations in order to discover a bizarre one. The story follows well-beaten tracks of Nazis and Brits competing to find a legendary place (Shambhala, instead of Shangri-La from the eponymous novel, for some reason.) The art is pretty cool, the voice acting decent if often annoying (hope you like these ridiculously pompous Oxbridge accents,) so Lost Horizon could deserve an average score, like a 5 or 6.
Deep Silver
However, characters are awfully talkative. The watch/play ratio, or passive/active ratio is dreadfully high, frustratingly so for me at times. Some cut-scenes take ages; not that they are particularly worth watching. Moreover, you would like to tell your own character to shut up sometimes. A simple examination of an object in your inventory can trigger an episode of logorrhea. And in fact, I was often under the impression that the main character, the English smuggler, was trying to be humorous, although he would never provoke the slightest smile. As a minor point, the game is also very counter-educative, full of factual errors.
Lost Horizon Pc Game
For example, the map of Hong Kong is all wrong; its landmarks too; like most countries, France does not use bails, i.e., richer people do not buy their way out of jail; gendarmes do not wear the Foreign Legion uniform; and Moroccans would not call Europeans westerners as they are the westerners, Maghreb means west, Europe is North of Maghreb, and more precisely Europe is North-East of Morocco. Call that nitpicking if you like, but it rattles the locals, damages the immersion, and is so easily avoided with a modicum of research. It's like showing the White House in the middle of Manhattan and guarded by Beefeaters dressed in green.