Third Party Motion Jpeg Codec Virtualdub
Hi, I got video files from a 10-year old (Olympus) camera transferred from my XP computer to my Windows 7 (with WMP12) 64-bit machine. The old video files don't seem to play in the WMP12 (Windows 7), they do play on the XP computer without any problem. With MediaInfo I noticed the video file is a JPEG (or should I say MJPEG) compressed.MOV file. The info from MediaInfo follows here after.
On the website of the manufacturer of the camera (Olympus) I couldn't find any JPEG or MJPEG video codec for downloading. I was wondering if somebody could tell me what the 'best' and FREE codec(s) are for WMP12 playing (M)JPEG.MOV video files? Help would be much appreciated. Alternatively, I could consider installing a Codec Pack like: Media Player, Windows 7, Cole2k Media, K-Lite Mega or any other large codec pack. However, I'd like to wait with installing those codec pack: I don't know what they'll do to the existing WMP codecs, and what kind of 'surprises' they may hold for later on. Off course, if one of those codec packs would allow for the installation of a SINGLE codec (MJPEG for instance), then I could consider it. If anyone has knowledge of any codec pack that allows the installation of a single codec, then please let me know. Download Motion JPEG Codec 3.2.4: Encoding motion JPEG files becomes fast and easy with the MainConcept Motion JPEG Codec. Old Video.MOV files with JPEG or MJPEG compression: needs WMP codec. It's often better to use a third party site. Files with JPEG or MJPEG compression: needs. Using VirtualDub for Time-Lapse. Software with plenty of free third-party filters. Than mine but many people will have the Divx or Xvid codec.
Hi Tripredacus, hi Allen2, I'm not sure if ffdshow can help me here. Ffdshow does handle Quicktime video format but I couldn't find any information about codecs handling (M)JPEG inside a.MOV container, athough -I have to admint- if some software supports Quicktime video, then it should likely support (M)JPEG compression in a.MOV too. I'll sort it out by testing maybe later.
As for Quicktime alternative, this could be a solution too. However, I would like to do some other testing first, and for that I'd prefer a clean media environment with only WMP; I would like to convert the (M)JPEG.MOV video files to another format and see how that works. So I'm now considering converting my old JPEG.MOV video files to another file format, and maybe to another (video and audio) compression algorithm (codec) too, if the latter is possible with freely available converters. Hence that I have a few questions. 1) What is the most widely (internationally) accepted, most widely compatible with any video player, and most 'open' video file format? Is that.MP4, or could the.MOV format -although proprietary, I believe- be a better pick, or is there still another video file format out there which could be more future-proof/robust?
2) About the video compression, is H.264 the most widely used/accepted compression, or is there already another compression algorithm showing signs of being better future-proof? 3) The same question as previous but this time for the audio compression; which is the most standardized and the best audio compression with the least potential for making trouble in a few years time from now (by having become obsolete)?
4) Wat is the 'best' converter according to your experience/opinion. The notion of 'best' is very much susceptible to interpretation and I leave it up to you to fill in its definition. One of the meanings of 'best' could be, high quality output files which any player can play, high quality video image with minimal image noise, high quality audio.
Here are my answers: 1) mp4 is quite usual now isn't. You could also use mkv as it is heavily used for many kinds and should be still supported for a few years. 2) H264 is now a standard and it will stay that way for some years as it is used for bluray. 3) mp3 is still a standard for stereo audio. But AC3 is the choice for 5.1 audio.
4) ffmpeg is most likely one of the best as it can handle almost any source and convert to almost any format/codec. As it is a command line utility, it is very handy for batch conversion of a lot files.
I've done some conversions from mjpeg/mov to mjpeg/avi and to h264/mp4. In all cases video quality is slightly degraded. It looks there is clearly decompression and a re-compression involved. I used.Pazera Free MOV to AVI Converter 1.6.
(which is based on ffmpeg I think) to convert only the file format, so mov to avi and just plain-copy the mjpeg compressed video and pcm audio from the mov file to the newly converted avi file. The new mjpeg/avi video worked fine in Real Player, QT and WMP6.4 on my old WinXP (32bit) but some quality degradation was noticeable; on WMP12 (Win7 computer), only the sound worked, there was no video (maybe WMP does not have any MJPEG codec on board). So I am not sure about.Pazera Free MOV to AVI Converter 1.6.; as the video quality degraded (a bit) I'm starting to think that the function of plain-copying the video did involve a decompression and re-compression of the video, so from mjpeg to mjpeg again. But I'm not sure.
So I got a question about ffmpeg before I start going through all the trouble and hassle of installing and testing ffmpeg. 1) Can ffmpeg convert ONLY video FILE formats, for instance from MOV to AVI, and plain copy the MJPEG video and PCM audio content to the AVI file, so without any decompression en re-compression of video and audio? I've done some tests with Any-Video-Converter too ( ). That converted the mjpeg/mov video file right away to h246/mp4, which is actually my preferred compression/format. However, degradation in quality was noticeable.
So the next question: 2) Is there the possibility in ffmpeg to change or fine-tune the compression strength (compression level: high, low, medium) when converting to h264? In my Canon camera I have the possibility to set the compression level on High or Low. High means small video file sizes but less detail/quality in the video, while Low compression means larger files but more detail in the video and so higher video quality.
I was wondering if that is also possible in ffmpeg? Thanks in advance, J. For ffmpeg, is the full documentation and yes you can do a lot more tunning than with most tools. If you want to be sure that there no recompression occuring, you should look for tools that demux/remux: - for mov- mkv, you might want to try. for almost every transformation you might ever want (but with a gui) you might want to try.
There are many other tools that might help. As a side note, i don't know the tool you tried but it might have done a proper job: some video container can store playback preferences and postprocessing so changing container might degrade the visual quality but not the real quality of the video.
Most of the time, when you don't exactly know what a tool is doing when converting just knowing the speed of conversion is enough to know if it is only demuxing/remuxing (the speed should be about the same as the time needed to copy the video) or if it is recompressing the whole video (it should take a lot more time even with a really fast computer). Edited June 21, 2013 by allen2. The problem I have with the old jpeg/mov video files may be more intricate than I anticipated in the beginning.
I just became aware the old jpeg/mov video files are probably PHOTO jpeg compressed and not Mjpeg (.mjpg file extension). In my first post I mentioned the format of the.MOV file Format: JPEG Codec ID: jpeg I managed to convert that jpeg/mov video file to.AVI without converting the video and audio, so only the container was converted; hence a JPEG/AVI video file, which played audio but NO video on the WMP12 (Win7 computer). I found some other old.AVI video files in my 2004 record, taken with a Canon camera, and those played video and audio on the WMP12 (Win7 computer) without any problem although the format was JPEG too. A closer look at the latter.AVI video file with MediaInfo revealed the following: Format: JPEG Codec ID: MJPG That made be realize that Codec ID=jpeg is definitely not the same as Codec ID=MJPG in WMP12 (Win7). That raises some questions with me. WMP12 can play MJPG/AVI, but not JPEG/AVI video files!!! What is so different between JPEG and MJPEG video compression that the (build-in I presume) WMP12 MJPG codec can play MJPG but not JPEG??
Would there be any JPEG codec around for WMP12 that can really handle JPEG/AVI video files. The point is that as long as WMP12 cannot decode JPEG compression, a lossless conversion from JPEG-PCM/MOV to JPEG-PCM/AVI won't work in WMP12. So I need to find a JPEG video codec for WMP12; if I can't find such a JPEG codec, then I will have to accepted loss of video quality due to the decompress/re-compress cycle, and that is something I try to avoid. Thanks in advance, j PS: Lossless conversion of old videos and movies (with already a lower quality), or getting the appropriate (old) codecs for playing those old videos on more recent platforms looks like a very daunting challenge.
The point is that as long as WMP12 cannot decode JPEG compression, a lossless conversion from JPEG-PCM/MOV to JPEG-PCM/AVI won't work in WMP12. So I need to find a JPEG video codec for WMP12; if I can't find such a JPEG codec, then I will have to accepted loss of video quality due to the decompress/re-compress cycle, and that is something I try to avoid. That's completely wrong. A tool that can do a loseless conversion (demux/remux) can have its own embedded codec for JPEG (just like ffmpeg codecs can't be used natively for WMP12). Perhaps you should upload a sample of your video so i and others can try tools on it. Edited June 23, 2013 by allen2.
Here is the video file: Hope it works. I've attached a file called TEST1.MOV (JPEG/MOV). I've converted the file to H264/AVI, which plays video and audio correctly in WMP12-64bit version in Windows 7. So that conversion is OK. I've used the following cmd: ffmpeg -i E: -c:v libx264 -c:a copy E: TEST1ffmpegvh264acopy.avi However, when converting TEST1.MOV to JPEG/AVI only the audio plays in WMP12, Video is absent. I used the following cmd: ffmpeg -i E: -c copy E: TEST1ffmpegvacopy.avi I wonder where the source of the problem may lay.
Hope you can find out.
Sometimes a mismatch between an imported file and the settings for the Adobe Premiere Elements project in which you are working causes playback problems. For example, widescreen video files appear squeezed if you use them in a nonwidescreen project. Standard-definition files appear blurry if you use them in a high-definition project. Knowing basic information about an imported file helps you choose appropriate project settings. Right-click a file in the Project view. and choose Properties.
The Properties window shows the file's frame size (as 'Image Size'), frame rate, and pixel aspect ratio. For more information about project view, see the 'Projects / Viewing a project’s files / Project view overview' in the Adobe Premiere Elements Help. To create a project and choose project settings, do the following. If Solutions 1 and 2 do not correct playback problems, use these additional methods, as applicable:.
If an imported video file does not fill the frame or appears zoomed-in, select the clip on the Timeline or Sceneline. Then, choose Clip Video Options Scale to Frame Size. If an imported video file appears squeezed too narrow or stretched too wide, Adobe Premiere Elements could be misinterpreting the file's pixel aspect ratio. Assign the correct pixel aspect ratio. by using the Interpret Footage command.
For more information on setting the pixel aspect ratio of a clip, see 'Importing and adding media / Working with aspect ratios and field options / Adjust pixel aspect ratio for a still image or source clip' in the Adobe Premiere Elements Help. If an imported video file plays too fast or too slow, or if its playback is stuttered after you've rendered previews, then Adobe Premiere Elements is most likely not interpreting the frame rate correctly. Assign the correct frame rate by using the Interpret Footage command (right-click on a file in the Project view. and choose Interpret Footage). Note: Playback inevitably seems stuttered if the video was recorded at a low frame rate (approximately 15 frames per second or less). If an imported interlaced video file plays with jagged edges or thin horizontal lines ('combing') on moving objects, or if it plays with a flicker, then Adobe Premiere Elements is most likely not interpreting the field order correctly.
Assign the correct field order by using the Interpret Footage command (right-click on a file in the Project view. and choose Interpret Footage). Additional tools for correcting field-order problems are available in the Field Options dialog. For For instructions on using the Field Options dialog, see 'Importing and adding media / Working with aspect ratios and field options /Set field options for imported interlaced video' in the Adobe Premiere Elements Help. Video-recording devices and video software applications encode files in a specific file format, such as AVI, QuickTime (MOV), and Windows Media (WMV).
For a list of the file formats that Adobe Premiere Elements supports, search 'Supported file formats in Adobe Premiere Elements ' in the Adobe Knowledgebase. Some video file formats, including AVI and MOV, are container file formats.
The data inside these container files is encoded according to a particular codec. Codecs are algorithms for compressing video and audio data. Many different codecs exist. For example, an AVI file can be encoded with the DV codec, a commercial codec (such as DivX), a Motion JPEG codec, among others. (Camcorders that record to miniDV tapes use the DV codec. Some still-image cameras use the Motion JPEG coded.) Adobe Premiere Elements sometimes cannot decode video files that were created with a poorly designed codec or a codec that is not installed on your computer. Knowing the format and, when applicable, the codec of the files you are working with helps you use these solutions.
To gather this information, do one or more of the following tasks:. Open the file in Apple QuickTime Player and choose Window Show Movie Inspector. If the file is from a camcorder, camera, or other video-recording device, see the device's documentation, or locate the device's specifications on the manufacturer's website.

Open the file in a third-party application that analyzes media files, such as MediaInfo or GSpot 2.70. Some video files are encoded with codecs (DivX, Xvid, 3ivx, and so on) that are not installed by default with Windows or Apple QuickTime.
You can download and install additional codecs on your computer. For example, to play DivX-encoded AVI files, download and install the DivX codec. Installing a required codec usually enables you to use media-player applications, such as Windows Media Player, to play files that were created with that codec. Further, installing a required codec sometimes enables correct playback of those files in Adobe Premiere Elements. Installing a codec doesn't necessarily resolve problems in Adobe Premiere Elements that occur when you import or play files created with that codec. The technical requirements for editing video files are more stringent than the requirements for playing video files.
You sometimes have to transcode (convert) problematic files (see ). Codecs are available from codec publishers' websites.
Virtualdub Codec Pack
Important Note: Only download codecs from established, verifiable software publishers. Avoid downloading 'codec pack' software.
Installing a new codec typically causes some video or audio files to become unreadable. Back up all your files before you begin. If you experience problems importing or playing files that are all the same format but are from different sources, the problem is likely that a poorly designed codec is installed on your computer. Or, it could be that multiple codecs are installed for the same video format. These situations often cause codec conflicts. To resolve codec conflicts, disable or remove third-party codecs.
To remove third-party codecs (particularly 'codec pack' downloads), use Add Or Remove Programs (Windows XP) or Programs And Features (Windows Vista). Not all codecs can be removed using the Control Panel. For instructions on how to disable or remove other installed codecs, see these TechNotes:. Registration key for stellar phoenix. (kb404870).
(kb404869). (kb404892). Use other software to transcode (convert) video files that cause problems when you try to import or play them in Adobe Premiere Elements. Then import the transcoded files.
You can transcode a file within the same format (for example, transcode a 3ivx-encoded AVI file into a DV-encoded AVI file). Or, you can transcode it into a different format (for example, transcode a VOB file into an AVI file). To preserve image quality when you transcode a video file, choose an uncompressed or low-compression output option in your transcoding software. The following list includes some of the Windows applications that transcode video files. Other transcoding applications are available and could be better suited to your workflow.
Disclaimer: Adobe doesn't support third-party software and provides this information as a courtesy only. For assistance using third-party software, contact the software publisher or see the software's documentation. AVI files: VirtualDub; Microsoft Windows Movie Maker. QuickTime (MOV) and MPEG-4 files: Apple QuickTime Player for Windows with QuickTime Pro. MPEG-2 and VOB files: MPEG Streamclip; Apple QuickTime Player for Windows with QuickTime Pro and MPEG-2 Playback Component.
For additional assistance with methods of transcoding video files, use the Adobe user-to-user forums at or see. Many digital still-image cameras have 'movie' modes that create video files (commonly AVI or QuickTime files).
However, these video files generally do not compare favorably to videos that digital camcorders record. Many still-image cameras use lower frame rates and smaller frame sizes than camcorders.
If you are working with video files from a still-image camera, see the camera's documentation. Or, contact its manufacturer for details about the video files that it creates. If you cannot import or play files from a still-image camera, try installing a codec (see ). Many digital still cameras encode video with a Motion JPEG (MJPEG) codec.
Video For Windows Codec Virtualdub
Motion JPEG codecs are available from several publishers. Note: Motion JPEG uses a relatively low level of compression. Low compression can result in slower than usual performance or warning messages about low memory if you work with large Motion JPEG video files in Adobe Premiere Elements.
Transcode Motion JPEG files (see ) to resolve these problems. If you cannot import or play files from a still-image camera that does not use a special codec for video, transcode the files (see ).
Import the transcoded files. Ultra-compact tapeless camcorders – including Aiptek, Flip Video and Sanyo Xacti models, and the Kodak Zi6 – record video in various formats. Some ultra-compact tapeless camcorders also use special codecs to encode video. If you are working with video files from an ultra-compact tapeless camcorder, see the camcorder's documentation. Or, contact its manufacturer for details about the video files that it creates. If you cannot import or play files from an ultra-compact tapeless camcorder, try installing a codec (see ).
For example, some Flip Video camcorders encode video with a 3ivx codec. If the camcorder doesn't use a special codec, transcode the files using software bundled with the camcorder or by using other software. Then, import the transcoded files. If you are able to import files from an ultra-compact tapeless camcorder, work in a project with appropriate settings (see ).