Upc Router Password Hack
Did you just hacked Wifi and now want to hacker router or you forget your router password then here is everything that you should know about router password hacking. Hacking WiFi passwords – a randomness problem. Are default WiFi router passwords generated and very quickly. Computing WiFi passwords for routers of the UPC. Step-by-Step tutorial on how to hack UPC wireless networks with default password using Aircrack-ng suite, Maskprocessor and oclHashcat GPU on Windows.
Did you justand now want to hacker router or you forget your router password then here is everything that you should know about router password hacking. There are basically three ways to hack wifi router password ( In most cases first one works perfect but in college or office you can’t use it.) OK, Like always no more words Ways to hack router password. Using default username and password. By applying brute force attack or wordlist attack. Using Router exploit. Using default credentials It is best when you are attacking someone personal/home router because people generally don’t change their password or Wifi hacking is not easy and router can hacked only if you have are connected to wireless network. Suppose if a hacker hacked wifi password then why he/she hack router password?
Most of the people hack wifi to use the free internet that’s why people don’t change the default password. Another reason is some people really don’t know how to change the password. Here are default username and password list for every router Sr.N Username Password 1 admin admin 2 admin (blank) 3 admin password 4 admin secret Here is how to hack router using default credentials. If you are using window then open cmd and type ipconfig and write down ip address of default gateway. In most cases, it will be
If you are Linux user then replace cmd with terminal and ipconfig with the route I mean run route command. For mobile Mobile user It is difficult but as I told you in most cases it is type in the browser and if it asks for username and password then you are right.
Some mobile like redmi 4a shows router Ip address as shown in the screenshot. Now you have successfully find router IP address next step is open your favorite browser and in the address bar copy paste that IP address. As you can see it needs Login credentials It is time to try above List. In the case of personal/home router, you will be authorized (90% chance). IF you are a college student or want to hack office router then 99% chances you will not be authorized.
In that case, use second way. By Brute force or wordlist attack I already explained. Hope you know it. Wordlist attack We will create a custom wordlist with crunch because it is easy to use. Here is command to create wordlist.
Crunch 5 8 123456 -d -o password.txt Now let me explain this crunch use to launch crunch tool which is used to create custom wordlist 5 It tells the crunch that password minimum length in 5 8 It tells the crunch that password maximum length in 8. Make sure that is space between 5 and 8 123456 these are the character to use in the custom word list. Now it will create wordlist only this character you can replace depending upon your target but I attacking my own machine and I know the password.d -d argument force crunch to make wordlist without repeating any character.o password.txt it is our path to save the result.o is the argument and password.txt is filename it will create this file automatically and save in current working directory which is /root in my case. You can confirm by running ls command but no need of it.
We have created wordlist successfully Now time is to apply every word as the password. I will use hydra for you can also xhydra which is Graphical user interface version of Hydra.
Here is command hydra -l admin -P password.txt http-head Now let me explain this hydra for launching hydra tool -l admin it tells the hydra that username is admin which is in 99.9% cases. You can also pass wordlist for username but no need of it.P password.txt it is the password file where are passwords are stored which we have created earlier. Make sure you typed P in uppercase I have wasted my 2 hours because I used lower case p then I write an email to Hydra creator and they reply me. Free support too (Reply within 10 minutes). this is about our target which is I have told you above how to find router IP address.
Http-header This is protocol I don’t think so I need to explain it. Basically, it is the protocol used for the router. For website login & password you can use http-form-post. Don’t try on Facebook or Gmail they are smarter than you. It will launch wordlist attack. As you can see it find my password. Using brute force attack hope you know it I already told you Hydra can launch brute force attack here is the command hydra -s 80 x 5:5:1 -l admin http-head -V Now let me explain this -s 80 it tells attacking port no.
Is 80 which is HTTP port x 5:5:1 it launch brute force attack of here x 5:5:1 tells the minimum password length and next digit tells the maximum password length x 5:5: 1 it tells that password is including only digital numbers ( mean 0-9) For lower alpha replace 1 with a. For upper case replace a with A.V it is not necessary to but it will show you every login attempt.
Here is result you can also pass -F for stopping when login username and password find by default it will continue until all combinations are not applied you have to stop it by pressing ctrl+c. Tip: you can also apply two or more password combinations, for example, A1 will apply all combination of uppercase and number. Hope that makes sense. Brute force attack vs wordlist attack I think wordlist attack is better than Brute force attack because we can create custom password list which saves our time. Rpg room optimizer. In this tutorial I used -d argument which forces not to repeat any character but in brute force attack, we can’t do it.
My tip hydra -l admin -p password http-head -o save.txt; shutdown If you run this command it will start wordlist attack and save the result to file save.txt and shutdown your computer when it finds correct password. Run this command and go to sleep Using router exploit Using the internet you can find exploit almost any machine. I can’t post practical or my router because it will be different for the different router. Just search on internet model no.
Netgear Router Password
You can also use routersploit but there is 99% chance that it will not find any Vulnberlity. You can also use routersploit framework. Here is everything which you should know this framework. How to install it apt-get install routersploit How to use routersploit type routersploit and press enter. It will launch this tool Now as you can see it is like Metasploit. Run this command to check Vulnerability use scanners/autopwn run it will run all exploit to find the vulnerability. As you see my machine is not the vulnerability by any exploit.
Generally, it did not find any vulnerability then How to protect your router. First of all, make sure your WiFI password is strong enough. User default credentials username and password both. A lot of people change the only password which is Vulnerable to brute force attack. Some expensive router has the facility that they automatically block the account if you type 5 times wrong username or password. Hope you have learned something about router password hacking.
In the case of you are unable to understand or need any further help then let me know by comments. I am free for you.
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Hack Router Username And Password
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IRC Note: if no one answers immediately, stick around and someone will read it. Recommended Subreddits:. In Germany and Europe UPC/Unitymedia is a very common brand. We have the overly expensive Telekom ISP that got greedy when the postal service gifted them their old telephone lines. Instead of replacing them with fibre network, they bought a lot of copper in the family business.
Unitymedia was a long time the ISP to go, but they made stupid decisions too. They forced you a shitty router where wifi is disabled by default and you have to pay for using it. You can't simply take this thing as a modem, there is a setting in the menu but the router just restarts and do nothing. I have the very same modem. They don't send you a better one (i got 6 of them) and the internet cuts off so often that I control a remote controlled outlet with a 433mhz module when the ping drops to reset this fucking thing.