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Whist Card Game

Whist Card Game 3,5/5 6956 votes
  • Play this online card game from Masque Publishing. Play the classic trick-taking card game. Lead with your strongest suit and work with your partner.
  • Whist is a classic four-player, partnership, trick-taking card game of English origins, popular due to its simple rules yet great capacity for strategic play.
Whist card game download

Whist Card Game

Whist overview The classic game of whist is a plain-trick game without bidding for 4 players in fixed partnerships. There are four players in two fixed partnerships. Partners sit facing each other.

Bid Whist is a partnership trick-taking game very popular in many parts of the world. It is played with a standard 52 card deck plus 2 jokers, for a total of 54 cards.

Whist Card Game Strategy

Whist Card Game

A standard 52 card pack is used. The cards in each suit rank from highest to lowest: A K Q J 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2. The player to the dealer's left leads to the first trick. Any card may be led.

The other players, in clockwise order, each play a card to the trick. Players must follow suit by playing a card of the same suit as the card led if they can; a player with no card of the suit led may play any card. The trick is won by the highest trump in it - or if it contains no trump, by the highest card of the suit led.

Whist card game online

The winner of a trick leads to the next. When all 13 tricks have been played, the side which won more tricks scores 1 point for each trick they won in excess of 6. The partnership which first reaches 7 points wins the game.